
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is there any way to evaluate the curvature of the surface and populate points based on that?



As pic showed, I want to evaluate the surface and extract the information of that to populate the points. (The part have more curvature will have more points) Anyone got an idea?  Thx!!!

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Hi Yuchao,

here's some ideas:

1) Generate a ridiculously dense pattern (random or not) of points on the surface. Then measure the curvature underneath each point. You can then sort the points from low curvature to high curvature. Once the points are sorted, you can generate biased culling values.

2) Generate a pattern of points on the surface. Start a loop which pulls points towards higher curvature areas. This solution almost certainly necessitates scripting.

3) Create a trema-map while you populate the surface. The easiest way to think of this is to have a white bitmap that represents the UV space of the surface. You pick a point at random on the image. If the pixel is white, you add a point at the corresponding UV value and you paint a black circle on the map, the radius of which depends on the curvature. The benefit of this approach is that you can avoid points that are close together. This solution also requires scripting.

4) Subdivide your surface into a discrete number of sub patches. Measure the average curvature of each patch and add X random points inside the patch where X depends on the average curvature.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
for the 1st method u mentioned, how can I sort those random points with their curvature and generate biased culling values? ?

Hi, this is really similar to what i am doing. Are there definition or tutorials on this? Thanks

here's an approach to the first idea: (random culling based on distance)

Just replace the distance measure with your curvature.

Thanks, i got up to this stage as shown in the attached shot. But nothing is showing up, i am i supposed to just swap distance measure with curvature component?



Hi I am still having trouble, please help! really need this for my project.







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