
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone, 

I'm kind of in a pickle here. I don't know grasshopper that well, and I certainly don't know kangaroo, but I'm trying to work off Daniel Piker's definition:
Attached is my starting rhino file and the gh definition that Daniel is using (I've added few other things...) It seems like it should work, but I think the problem is with the way my meshes are joined - the planar octagon with the cylindrical volumes. Perhaps it has something to do with the way grasshopper reads the 'naked' edges of the welded mesh... I'm not quite sure. 

Or maybe I'm approaching this from a completely wrong angle. Essentially, what I'm trying to do is roughly similar to shigeru ban's structures (see attached image). I need to be able to control the position and size of the circular openings, but the octagonal perimeter is always fixed. 

If anyone has any suggestions about how to fix and evolve the definition I started with, or a completely different approach, I would very much appreciate it!!!! 

Thanks a lot!


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It's all to do with how the surface is meshed by Rhino.

Try setting jagged seams to true, and maximum edge length to 2.

Then triangulate it.

This way it is easier to make sure the mesh is all joined properly along the seams, and more even triangulation should also help it relax better.

Thanks so much Daniel! It worked beautifully! 
I will see if I have more trouble with welding the meshes in the next few generations, but it looks like it should be pretty easy.
I also tried to work at it in a slightly different way, starting from a planar mesh, extracting the vertices's, and using the bottom circular curves and the octagonal perimeter as the anchor points... but I was unable to make it work the way I wanted it to:
I need to have the perimeter octagonal curve higher than the circular anchor points, and I just couldn't make it to work (maybe it had something to do with the springs settings?). I'm not sure.  But it seems like this way, I would have more flexibility in terms of moving the circles and testing different variations. With my first example, I always have to go through the process of editing the meshes in rhino first, then welding, etc... If you have any suggestions about how to make this one work as well, I would very much appreciate it. I've attached the files....
But again, this has already helped immensely, so thank you!

How excellent I also like model you is sent out, I go through take revit to implement there model but without success.






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