
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys. I'm creating a facade for a store front, using the logo below. I have created a halftone pattern for the logo with squares. I want to resolve it more using a custom closed curve as the halftone pattern instead of rectangles or circles.

gh script

halftone bake with rectangles

I need this closed curve as the iterative element for the halftone pattern.

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Am I understanding it correctly, when I think you want to replace each of the rectangles with the same custom shape (scaled like the rectangles)?

Yes.. I want the closed curve(custom shape) in the file to replace the rectangles. And, yes, they need to be scaled based on the halftone pattern generated.

Something like this? The definition is not in any way elegant, but it does the job.


Yes, I think this does the job for now. I'll get back to you in case I need any further clarifications. Thanks.


Hey. I've been trying to break my head over this for a while, but I'm a bit lost, and any help would be appreciated. I need an upper and lower limit for the size of the curve. To make myself a bit clearer, I need to be able to set a custom range for the size of the curve, a maximum and minimum slider, or anything else that works.

P.S. Use the ghx file from Thomas as the base file to work on.


I like to break the image sampling away from any real world dimensioning; only sample the image for values. So the image domain is always normalize at 0.0 to 1.0. This way I can set grid dimensions separately from the image dimensions but still retain relative sampling. In this def, you can change the overall height and width, the X and Y count, the minimum size (as a factor) and also cull any cells of the grid that are smaller than a given minimum.

It also has a padding rectangle, simply an offset of your rectangle. The definition sets the max scale value based on the smaller dimension of the X or Y spacing. This way there is never any overlap no matter the count in either dimension.


some variations

Hi Amal

I did simular experiment but in Illustrator. result will be simular ....there you can create any shape for half tone need to download SCRIPTOGRAPHER plug in ..great tool

hope it will help

Zdenko Boskovic






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