
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Attractor Point to Voronoi Extrusion HEIGHT to POINT

Is there a way to create an attractor point to the Voronoi Extrusion Height? I have the base vornoi curve extruding upward to a point (MOVE parameter, moved each of the base points upward in the Z direction) , then I used "EXTRUDE TO POINT" parameter and it worked successfully. However, I want to place an attractor point that will create varying heights. When I tried placing an attractor point, it affected the orientation of the tips, thus each of the tips would be pulled in the direction of the attractor point, but that is NOT what I want, all I want is there to be a variation of the heights in relation to the distance between the attractor point and the points of the extrusion tips. 

Thank You,

Sam Iqab

Views: 2942

Replies to This Discussion

how about remap?

Best Regards



If your tips move, you most likely either add the distance vector to the position of the tips, or move the tips with this vector.

If you want to affect the height only, you can multiply the height with a scalar distance measure (maybe remapped) or somehow project the attraction vector to the planes-normal axis.

an idea







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