algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hi there, I was testing some designs with the image sampler over various surfaces I divided, and actually ended up liking the resulting design, but I can't seem to Bake the resulting geometry, at least not with the material i'm trying out. Any help would be appreciated.
you need this component called bake attributes.
Reverend Doctor Danny Rockefeller recommends you give Guilio's BakeAttributes Component a go.
PS forgive the "in joke" it really is a great component.
Where's the pimp cane?
(The pimp handle is heavy)
Thanks for the help guys. Now, I know this sounds really dumb, but i've been trying to make that component work since yesterday, but can't manage to figure it out :(
in object goes your geometry, in color goes the color pattern, in layer type a name of a layer you wish to bake to (it will make this as a new layer), in material plug a custom material component and set settings how you want, for gloss ect., plug a Boolean toggle into activate and switch it to true.
I thought that's what I was doing, but can't get a result. No idea what is it that I'm plugging the wrong way/not plugin.
I don't have gh at the moment but I can tell a few things, for color the input should be what ever the same data is that creates the preview, I also see some orange components maybe that is an issue, lastly from experience I have learned in bake attributes isn't working it is most likely you are not matching your data/ lists correctly. Also, you need to name a layer in the layer input.
Yes the orange components were the fault.
Attached is a corrected version so that you can see the mistake.
But there is also an improved version that removes the duplication aspect and shows the BakeAttributes connected up. You don't need to supply a Layer as it will default to "Default" but if you have renamed this or have it hidden then you will not see any results.
PS I had to change the image as it seemed to not work as intended
Thanks for the help! Honestly, I was starting to freak out a bit...
Now on to posterize the image a bit to limit the color output :)
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