
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

(((((((( Basically, i divided the surface into a grid and then assigned a geometry to each point of the grid. However, they do not fall flat on the surface, instead, they are always parallel to the xy plane. what should i do to change the angle? ))))


MHICHEAL asked before the same question !  but the bad thing she found the solution herself without sharing it !!!! i have exact same problem !!!! please tell me how to solve it ?!?!


check her files


its baiscally the same thing i have, so please how do i oreint the shapes on the surface could someone attached ghx file for that solution pleasssse ??


thanks ~

Views: 3688

Replies to This Discussion

Its better to try than ask for GXH... try it first, if doesn't work I'll try to do a .ghx for ya.

To have your geometries follow curvature of surface/curve you need to know the tangent plane (normal vector to the surface)/tangent on each point. Then either orient geometry or inputting that information for every point an geometry...

I think I was not clear enough... if this doesn't work let me know.. I'll do something
Sorry, I was talking with no thinking.. there's a component colled "Surface_frames" that divides the surface and gives the tangent plant you want to orient your geometry (Orient compoenent) on the surface (just need to know the reference plane of your geometry). Very simple

Divide surface using SFrames

Search the reference plane of your geometry

Use Orient component and input your geometry / reference plane / target plane(frames from SFrame). Done

Just like Pep said... (plane normal component)
ive been trying to solve it since days !! i tried orient command in xform but it didnt work for me i dont know i tried to play with many tools i really got tired and im doin it for my architectural project i searched youtube google everywhere nothing is there

its really really hard to find tutorials for grasshopper other 3d programms has dozens !

so please at least till me the commans or something or showing me in ghx file would be better

so, i've you can`t read pictures, i added the ghx, good luck
Wow... I imagine your definiton does more stuff than mine... but I treied to kkep it as simple as possible

Try this one in case the other doesn't (did not tryed it)

HEy Pep,

It was not my definition, it is Michelles. I only added the plane normal component!

thanks alooooot guys !!!! god bless you both it works with me now ! im so thankful
lool im having a big miss in my project please stay a mintue ill send u my files so u check what the problem plzzzz
attache filez and will see...
i sent the file to you
here a file






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