
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Important. You need recent Microsoft C++ runtimes in order to run this version of Grasshopper. You can download them here.

A new release is available for download from the usual location. This release mainly features a set of bug fixes. Not all reported bugs in 0.8.0065 and earlier have been fixed. OffsetCurveOnSurface and Brep internalisation is still buggy.

List of features and fixes:

  • VB and C# script components now have 'Destroy Caches' menu item that erases all recorded compiler data.
  • VB and C# script components now also cache compiler errors and warnings.
  • VB and C# script component code editor now caches the 10 most recent source codes.
  • Mesh Volume computation was broken on Rhino4, this is fixed.
  • VB and C# scripts would not update on parameter addition or removal, this is fixed.
  • Similarity component did not work well with negative numbers, this is fixed.
  • Display adjustment for curves was not working, this is fixed.
  • VB/C# script code changes were delayed until after autosave, this is fixed.
  • VB/C# scripts would not be re-evaluated after certain breaking changes, this is fixed.
  • VB/C# script editor would not save the code when the target object has been modified, this is fixed.
  • Rail Revolution component did not work, this is fixed.
  • Changing expressions on output parameters did not result in an update, this is fixed.
  • Changing Normalise flags on curve output parameters did not result in an update, this is fixed.
  • Changing Normalise flags on surface output parameters did not result in an update, this is fixed.
  • Changing Unitize flags on vector output parameters did not result in an update, this is fixed.
  • Changing Invert flags on boolean output parameters did not result in an update, this is fixed.
  • Undo/Redo events that affect output parameter post processes would not cause updates, this is fixed.
  • Script components in User Objects and Clusters were not deserializing correctly, this is hopefully fixed.
  • GH/GHX document ids were not deserialized, this is fixed.
  • User Objects with an unset subcategory caused a failure in the Ribbon, this is fixed.
  • Radial Grids would omit the row of points along the boundary of the grid, this is fixed.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 15362

Replies to This Discussion

slight hip *bump*

by "hip bump" I meant to just bump this request.

and by clarifying that, i'm bumping it again.

No dedicated wish list thread? Or is that what the release discussions are for?

one more minor wish; can you add please "save data" option for panel in addition to stream data and copy data. My case: i have several variants of model, switching by a slider. so I want to have several spreadsheets saving them from one panel, without risk to overwrite any of them...

Hi David,

is it normal that I do have still the "Menu shortcut bug" Problem?



I've downloaded and installed the latest release of rhino 5.0 and GH, but for some reason the new GH does not overwrite the existing version. I've uninstalled gh completely and reinstalled the current build but still no luck. It keeps reinstalling 0.80052.

Any Suggestions?

run a windows search for grasshopper.dll and see how many come up. If you have more than one then note the locations and remove them manually.

Hi Danny,

I followed your instructions. Then I reinstalled GH. Now Rhino says that Grasshopper is an unknown command. I ensured that the plug-ins and the dll files were in the correct folder, any ideas?

P.S. GH actually works in Rhino 4 but not with the current rhino 5 beta...

Rhino5 needs to be told it has to load a specific plugin, the Grasshopper installer only informs Rhino4 at the moment. The simplest thing you can try is to drag and drop the GrasshopperPlugin.rhp file from the Rhino4 Plug-ins folder into the Rhino5 viewports. If it work, you're done, if it doesn't, then read on...

If loading Grasshopper does not work from the Rhino4 plug-ins folder, you need to copy the Grasshopper folder from Rhino4 into Rhino5. You probably did this before, and then when you installed a newer version only the original folder was updated, but not the copied files (your initial problem). Note that putting an rhp file into the Plug-ins folder is not sufficient to load it. You also need to tell Rhino specifically to load the plugin. You can do this by dragging the GrasshopperPlugin.rhp file into the Rhino5 viewports after you copy the entire Grasshopper folder from

ProgramFiles\Rhinoceros 4.0\Plug-ins\


ProgramFiles\Rhinoceros 5.0 WIP <bit-depth>\Plug-ins\


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thanks David...

It's up and running now. Very good instructions...


Not sure if you have a place where you are collecting feature requests, but since this thread seems to be active, i'll post here (searching for feature and feature request didn't find anything conclusive)...

I would love to have a way with the keyboard to use right and left arrow to step through a slider (maybe with ctrl and shift to make bigger jumps) 

it has been a long time since the last release.

i'm curious to see what's coming!

When trying to do a Curve.CreateBlendCurve from within a C# component, Grasshopper freezes, has anyone else experienced this? I'm using the overload with three inputs, Curve A, Curve B, and blending type.






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