
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

i am hoping to do some very simple tests with a 9 line linkage to create some shapes and am wondering if anyone interested in this might be able to take a stab at one of these for some research i am working on.

here are a couple of links to some work in kinematics in GH but i think this project would be much simpler.

feel free to contact me on or off-list.


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I think you need to provide more details about what you want to control: constraints on lengths of lines and angles, which points can move (manually or kinematically) and which points move automatically to follow the constraints, etc.

hi sistemiq.

thanks. it is a little hard to verbalize and also my cad skills are sort of slack. i have a visually summary and I have sent you a link to three files off-line.

essentially i have been dealing with kinematics as "abstract" research but I have also been dealing with local building codes, which are also somewhat abstract but also very real.

so the idea is to /combine/ the two and see if I can come up with a "form machine" or a "building from generator" by placing a kinematic /armature/ over the building code allowable envelope. since the code can get quite complicated with various allowances the idea would be (ultimately) to run a number of spaced iterations of a kinematic linkage of some kind and visually (or via data exports) analyze where it has taken advantage of code allowances (such as overhangs), where it fits into various volume calculations etc.

so, the short answer is that I am hoping to find enough people to have a play with this somewhat real world problem in order to place the armature in a way that the resulting form conforms in some way to the allowable envelope. my first thought is that the nine bar linkage needs another plane and should be a 12 bar linkage...

first image here is the building envelope. second image is a "nine bar linkage". third imag is a reuleaux tetrahedron:

info on nine bar etc:

more on reuleaux:

let me know if I can clarify because it seems to me that this could/should be doable with enough expertise and intelligence.

i am sure that doesn't make total sense but I have a feeling that moving it around in cad will at least result in a "seed" that I can grow perhaps in RhinoWorks the kinematic plugin or maybe even Lobster or something similar...

- Jon


I don't quite know how to kinematically stick the armature to the enveloppe, but here is a walking 9bar beast just for fun.

I think it should possible to start from the enveloppe and give constraint to the 9/12bar (12 seems better yeah) to occupy the most volume inside, perhaps adding some Galapagos to Kangaroo.

There is perhaps an easier way though, using wrapping strategies, there are a few discussions in the forum.

I will try to think a bit more about it tomorrow.


thanks a lot systemiq,

i am going to try to have a think about it as well. somehow it feels like a sort of "cage" around the setback should work. perhaps even just using the exact envelope of the LOT will generate something interesting or even - well - i suppose it it a question of finding a geometric /arrangement/ for the armature and then how that is positioned with respect to the lot would be trivial.

in any event it is really an experiment so if I can get something that gives a set of iterated results that I can export, I can start thinking about using them at least for the presentation.

the practical end result would be to just pick one of the results (floors ceilings and walls) and to then start cutting into it to make an actual residence.

i have a hunch it could be way cool if i can pull it together with help.


hi systemiq.

i am just only now finding the time to spend in GH (I think i am going to like it) and i am re-reading the documents.

can i please ask you to just tell me what i need to do after i drag and drop this into the GH window? for some reason i am not at the point where i have actually run these things...

- jon

hey Chertok,

toggle the boolean component that is set on true to false.  then watch Systemiq's wizardry play out.

Systemiq, that is dang cool!

oh, and Chertok, make sure you download Kangaroo and install it per the instructions.  you can get it here in case you don't have it already.

thanks ryles!

Oops I think the file I attached is missing the Use floor options in Kangaroo.

(Right click settings on Kangaroo component->Kangaroo Options->Use Floor)

And just follow ryles instructions.

This is how it should look like btw:

that's even more awesome!






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