
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there,

ive created a series of mesh faces that intersect eachother in rhino. The parts of the mesh that intersect eachother have been trimmed.


Im now trying to join and weld these faces together (angle tolerance 180) to create one object.


Through weaverbird im smoothing the rectangular mesh, and sending it through kangaroo to relax it further.


The problem im having is that i want to set the naked vertices as the anchor points which should be just the points where the openings of the mesh are, but for some reason the mesh is not welding/joining properly along some of the intersection points.


The Rhino file ive attached has all the exploded mesh faces, once i join and weld the faces together i put it through the attached grasshopper file.


Im really stuck and any help would be really appreciated.






Views: 3129

Replies to This Discussion

I haven't looked at your files, but how are you welding your verticies?

Have you got [uto]'s MeshEdit add-on?  That's where the weld verticies component comes from... 

Now you have passed a posting milestone 2 to the 10 not the poxy number 1000 :)

Thx!  Gotta keep on truckin'

I remember in Google groups you used to be able to sort members by number of posts (winner = David) but I don't think that can easily be done with Ning?

David's past 2 to the 12

then me 2 to the 11 ( I need a  life)

I'd say you're a shoo-in for 3rd with 2 to the 10

After that it gets a bit hazy, probably Luis then Giulio. But who's counting :)

im using the weld tool in Rhino and then putting the mesh into grasshopper

i have a mesh weld vertices tool in grasshopper but have not tried it yet, ill give it a go and see if it works

ok so ive used the wb join component in GH to join the single mesh faces into one instead of welding.

This has solved the problem i was having with the naked vertices.

When i relax the mesh now it all works fine except for the one opening on the top right of the mesh (if you are in the front view of the rhino model)

Any ideas why that one bit is behaving wierd?


Here are the new files







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