I have managed to create a variable surface offset (at least a reasonable attempt) that may be off interest. I am pretty new to grasshopper so the definition may be a bit long winded though.
I am having some trouble trying to divide the offset surface. My intention is to apply a component framework for use in t-splines with the scale now adjustable in 3-dimensions responding to the same variable points (where the graphmapper determines scales of subdivided surfaces and the height component is proportional to the area).
The problem comes about when the offset surface is used as input data for a graphmapper with it only showing values of 0.0 or 1.0. If I bypass the graphmapper as a division distribution tool and set fixed u, v variables it works fine. Likewise if i bake the offset surface then use this as the start point for the surface division it also works, but not when used as one continuous definition.
I have attached the definition and am really hoping someone can help.
- Attachments: