algorithmic modeling for Rhino
I'm thinking of the how to move on with the priorities for the next release.
Originally I planned multi-layer materials for 0.3.
Looks like some of you would rather have a better way to start rendering and animating from GH.
So, what's it for you:
Hi Hannes Löschke! I have found that the problem is it does not appear on the toolbar of the Scarab grasshopper
Scarab installs under the "Extra" tab.
Hi Hannes,
best would be both. ;)
But if you need a priority list my private opinion is:
1. Scene manager control and render export
2. Multilayer materials
Hi Hannes,
I needed to play a bit more with your Tools before I could tell. Instinctively however I would rather want to control everything not being Material and their assignment from JD's Editors.
Frankly - I was already completely satisfied to assign existing mxm's to parametrically defined Geometry. Then again it was cool not only to read existing .mxms from disk but also to somehow harvest current settings from non externally saved Scene-Mxm's (from the open Rhino-Session). I found this a lot more helpful than a complete Material-Editor Rebuild inside Grasshopper. How about also hooking up Fire in a smart way?So that one makes Maxwell the displayed Render-Mesh available (which can even get tweaked in terms of density inside of Grasshopper). This of course without actually baking...
One thing might deserve a change: Your Tools assume that one has the Material-Library inside the Maxwell Installation-Folder. As I chose not to put it on my System Drive all your sample-files throw errors.
Could you please specify the errors you are getting? I'm not assuming anything but get the Folders straight from Maxwell.
Well, Maxwell at Installation-Time gives Users the Choice where to put the Material Database.
The default location in C:\Programs however may not be ideal, when having large Libraries, so I put it on another, much larger drive. Some of your Components however look for the Material Database in the default location and obviously don't find the assigned path. The Component appears red.
The only component, that relies on maxwell paths is Folder. Folder returns the default paths from Maxwell, which schould be wherever you put them during the installation.
Please confirm the output of the Folder Component.
"split" demonstrates building MXM from the arroway textures. You have to manually give the path to those textures in the very first panel.
Please check if everything works with this path set correctly.
I think it is actually the MxRoot-Component which has the Material-Database "hardcoded in it.
Yes, I can set custom paths and search for custom File-Types by exchanging the Search-String in the Folder-Component.
Edit: Well - setting paths seems not to work properly - I've tried it with
See attached Screenshot. I thought it was maybe the capital letters in the Folder-Name but the Component also did not find a .jpg on my Desktop.
Well, actually the Folder component was intended to search folders for images.
I'll modify it so it can handle full paths with filenames and so on. For now, remove filename and extension from the input and it should work.
While at it - if you don't mind me getting carried away with further wishes...
I also found a something along the Lines of Lightsmith extremely neat (as an alternative to HDR-Light-Studio - which I personally find less than ideal). I imagine parametrically defined Lightsources which can
get changed via Sliders and inside the Rhino-Viewport get represented by Proxies which get repositioned with Gumball or numerical entry. This Helper would not only be interesting for Maxwell-Users.
My personal wishes would be in order :
1) Material and object ID colors,
2) Extract properties from existing material, so you could tweak it in multiple ways and compare,
3) Parametric texture mapping objects,
4) Z Buffer Min and Max values,
and 4) when I get my ies generator working (not soon I'm afraid), it would be nice to add this option to your emitter component.
Maybe I'm missing something. Is it possible to change texture brightness, saturation etc?
A great addition to Maxwell would be to apply filters as the new Firefly vision tools (at the bottom of this page), and see this too.
Doesn't really fit into your two options, I know! So I'll vote for Scene manager too.
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