
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

generating terrain model from Text and 2D-Textposition-Points

Hi everyone,
I'm faced with a problem that seems to occur fairly regularly in my architecture studies.
I am trying to create a 3d terrain model from given points in a dxf-file.
Previously, when files had terrain contour lines , I made a grasshopper-file that divided these, took the division points, and in Rhino, with point set reconstruction tool, made a model via delauney triangulation.
Now, all I have is Rhino Text Objects and their position points in 2D. The Text Objects contain the z-value of the points. Is there a way to get the origin point of the text objects and the value of the text object into grasshopper in some sort of order, so that 3d points can be constructed?
Any suggestions, also as to how I can get the text objects as string into grasshopper, would be appreciated.
See Man

Views: 24265

Replies to This Discussion

grasshopper in it is impossible to selects a point cloud to extract the points, so I'd be able to do so. if possible if many clouds selects well create brunch of points

The only input to this script is text objects, not points. I don't know what you want to do with the point cloud.

Or maybe you want a new script that has nothing to do with this, that allows you to select point clouds and have the individual points show up as a list in Grasshopper.

Thanks. They work again now .

Hi Vincente, I am wondering if we can update this thread so the script/components work in the latest GH version?  The VB Component doesn't contain an option for 'GUID' under 'type hint'.  That might be the reason I can't get it to work.  My files are below.

Thank you!




Make sure you are not using the VB Legacy component

I used the VB Script component instead as it has GUID support (Grasshopper version used 0.9.0014) the original code from Vincente works really well



Hello, i'm newbie in grasshopper, I'd like to ask, if it's possible to get all 4 corner points of text object.

Not only origin point. At least those upper left. In job, we have template where text heights refers to area near upper left corner of text objects. It's terrain of about 4000 points.

Thanks for your help, don't forget to call main in the beginning when doing the rhino script. Thank you for this, you saved me giving up on this, because there is no way i was going to move 5,000 points in Z


why this is not working??


Well, it works , 

Your unit is drawing a bye ...

Remy, what do you mean?

First - I didn't get this line as in the picture.

Secondly - my "topography" is just flat, but there are no errors :-/

Why you said that it does not work?






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