
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Can Grasshopper type data directly into Rhino as a text ??

What I want is to know if there is a possibility bake texts in rhino.
Thanks for your attention.

Views: 1338

Replies to This Discussion

Text Tag and Text Tag 3D might be what you are looking for. Find them under Vector>Point.

edit: Sorry, I thought I had them baked some time ago. Now they don't. Bug or my bad memory?

It's a bug.

If you right click component->Bake, nothing happens.

But you can still bake it by selecting the component (Text Tag or Text Tag 3D) then go to top menu bar Solution->Bake Selected.

I am amazed you picked the right time to reply, I have not been on this forum for MONTHS and I would have missed this message if I have not come today.

thanks for the reply, and 3d text tag was what i wanted.






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