
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I took a script from the forum which changes the view
but it doesn't work on my computer

I would like to change a series of viewports by a series of cam and target Points.
I don't know how to solve that problem
see the attached file
Thanks a lot.

Views: 1999


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What version of Grasshopper are you using? im using revision 12, and it works by me!

i'm also using revision 12
i tested it again with a new and clear Rhino file - now it works, but if i use it in an existing file it doesn't work ---- any ideas???

-- i have to rebut grasshopper and then open a clean and new rhino file, then it works for that empty file, but not for an existing -- any ideas???

Thanks Franz
Hmm... no idea at all, or perhaps the viewport isn't active?

I tried using it a couple of times and noticed that sometimes, its like the viewport is not "selected" then the script simply does nothing.
I would like to add a "NewFloatingViewport" + "Projection":"Perspective" if the script doesn't find a viewport with the selected name. How could i do that??

How can i change the camera lens length through grasshopper?

Thanks Franz
I'm looking into the new floating viewport too, i need it for a project, but so far i havent been succesfull at doing it.

You'll be the first to know if i succeed.

Regarding the camera lens, perhaps you can chance some setting of the active viewport? I'll have to look into that too.

Thanks for your help!

Do you know how i can set a view to active?
Also how do you get the effect of rolling a camera

To float a viewport, you need to have a MRhinoView, not an MRhinoViewport. They you can use the FloatRhinoView method and set the only argument to True.

I looked for a way to set lens length and I couldn't find one.

I can do that to the existing viewports but when i try to create a new viewport using:

Dim view As MRhinoView = MRhinoDoc.NewView()

I just get an error telling me that it is a non shared reference....

How would i go about creating the new view?







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