
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to do a list of vertex coordinate for each subsurface??

Hi Guys, I need to do a list of vertex coordinate for each subsurface, the number of subsurface and its sides can change (is variable). Is there anyone that could tell me what I have to do?


vertex A   x y

vertex B   x y

vertex C   x y

vertex D   x y


vertex A   x y



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Dear Landscape,

Im not sure how you build up your surfaces. It looks like a voronoi, in that case look at the first image

Else the second image + definition.



Yes Willem, it's Voronoi!! ;-)

I did the vor2.jpeg ... but there is a problem ... my Voronoi points (at the start) are not made by me, but it's a result of another Voronoi, I don't know why this points are less of coordinates.

Can you share your definition or send a screenshot, so I can take a look? What is your base geometry, the surfaces?

As you can see, these points haven't coordinates ... so I can't connect it to Voronoi. The base geometry is the surface (in this case 3 areas) created by the first Voronoi. The following algorithm that you see, subdivide 3 areas into other areas (here I find the points that give me some problems).


Ok im not sure if i follow you, but you want those points grouped per surface? so you can connect those into the voronoi component? Because your voronoi gives an error if you plug the points in like you have them now, because they're grafted. (GH tries to create 13 vornoi´s but with one point p voronoi, which doesnt work)

I would like to do this (but it's diffucult for me):

I would that Voronoi works for each surface (in jpeg are 3, but could be 4, 5 ecc), from each point that I highlighted, the Voronoi cells start ... but they can't go out from the perimeter of each surface. Hope to be clear ... ehe!! ;-)


Hope this helps!


Amazing man!! Very useful for me!! But it's possibile to offset already the internal curves?? I tryied but the line goes over perimeter or it doesn't touch it.

Ok i think this is what you meant, it toke some hassle to get the offset done, it is still a bit buggy if you offset the inner curves to much, but it works

Hope this helps!



Wowwww!! This is fantastic man!! Is there a possibility to Offset only internal segments and not external? Take a look to jpeg. It would be perfect for me!!!! Thanks a lot in advance!!


Here take a look at this. I think it is what you meant. 

The ofset is still a little buggy. If I have more time ill take a better look at it.







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