
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Does anybody know how to get into Grasshopper the name of an object referenced from Rhino ?



Views: 5780

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Hi Adrien,


Plug the referenced geometry into a GUID parameter, then plug the GUID into a VB/C# script. I don't know why the GUID type hint isn't converting properly, I'll see about fixing this. Until then, you'll need the intermediate GUID parameter.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

when i use this code it gives compile error. its not working. can you tell me what am i doing wrong.

What's the error? Did you rename the input and output parameters of the component to "id" and "name"?



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

thank you david that works.

I've been using this VBscript, but for some reason, if I try to use the same grasshopper file on a different rhino model, it no longer works. Its wierd, because I can pull a new VB component out and add the code in, plug in the same data, and the output works. All the mean while, the exact same component with the exact same code next to it will give a <null> output. 


Tried it on both 4.0 and 5.0 8.0013 and 8.0050 and got the same results.


Any thoughts?



me too!

There were a whole range of caching bugs introduced in the last few versions. I've solved as many as I could find, hopefully this was one of them. Let's see how 0.8.0066 behaves...


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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