I would like to select several wires with a crossing window and disconnect them all with the delete button. Is something like this already possible or could it be implemented?
Currently, wires are being drawn directly through the dotNET framework, so they aren't actually objects in the same way components are and therefore are not selectable. I vaguely remember David mentioning something about possibly changing how they are drawn, so they could be selected (and therefore deleted or set to invisible or something), but I really can't remember any specifics as to whether that's something he's working on.
Yeah, wire-objects is one of those long term plans. At some point I'd like to be able to select, delete, disable and disconnect wires, but I'm not actually typing on this code yet. Clusters and RCP first.
Hi David,besides cluster and RCP ,do you have a look at the Flatten component??See thread here please,beacuse this is very important to my WIP project .I am not very sure whether you intend the Flatten to be used in this way, but I think the Flatten could handle multi paths while now it seems not . I am waiting words from you ,thank you!! http://www.grasshopper3d.com/forum/topics/path-operation-question?x...
Yes David. That is exactly what I want .I'd be very grateful you give me a fix/solution for this !Please mail to:hero18wang@gmial.com .Thanks in advance!
Have you tried the Find/Replace branch component? It's a bit tricky to use and I've forgotten by now how it actually works (the PathMapper is supposed to absorb this functionality at some point).
but I think the Find/Replace branch component doesn't work .I am not very sure if I used it correctly,see picture below:
I see hope in the Flatten component only if it can handle multi data paths/branchs(now it seem like only recognize the last path??).I'd like to post the picture again to explain what I mean.see below: