
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,

I am new to the forum as I am to GrassHopper.

I have two questions that I have not been able to work out for a few days now.

I have  a mesh that has been distorted by moving points in the z direction so that it has valleys and peaks. I have located the valley and peak vertices of the mesh and deleted them.

I would now like to do the following:

1. Exclude the edge vertices of the mesh from the operation that locates valleys and peaks so that they will not be deleted in the later operation?

2. Select the four closest vertices to those that have been deleted (these are the adjoining the deleted faces) so that they can be projected to the ground plane so that i can make columns below?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I have attached the grasshopper file.


Views: 2168

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um... there is no file attached, however I would recommend looking at Kangaroo.  Kangaroo operates primarily on Rhino mesh geometry so on the "Utility" tab there are some tools for dealing with verticies.

You may also want to look at WeaverBird as it's an add-on specifically for dealing with meshes.  Oh, and Uto's MeshEdit...

Here's the download links for the trinity of GH mesh operations:




Hi taz, 

thanks for the help.

In case you wanted top have a look i have attached the file. You need to make a surface in Rhino and link it to the GH file








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