
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

What about organising a Grasshopper Seminar in Tirana, Albania.
Many users of grasshopper and people that wanna get to know it would be really interested.
One other option would be to organise a seminar for grasshopper in Athens, Greece.

Is it possible ?

Views: 481

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Hi Saimir,


we've been talking to someone from a university in Athens, but I don't know the current state of agreements. Basically if you want to organise something we'll do our best to attend.


I'm based in Slovakia (but have been in the Seattle main office for the past 1.5 months). I'll be back home in Europe again from January. 



David Rutten

Seattle, WA


As you may know, only NON public universities Prof's are "able" to organize smth like that, so why don't you ask to someone of POLIS University to organize, it will be a prestige for this University and a benefit to all students and Albanian architects.

David, Ljubljana ( city of love ) - Tirana flight is much more cheaper than Seattle :P... and in Albania people speak english as well :P


Concerning your reply, this topic was made 1 year ago so many things have changed.

Polis University of Architecture and Urban Development Policies

Polis University is the University on which i studied and submitted my diploma thesis last July regarding parametric architecture as generative material for designing urban habitats/ ecosystems that are being created through the application of space syntax theory in areas to be newly developed in Tirana.

Also Polis University has a master course regarding Parametric Architecture in which Grasshopper and Rhinoceros are widely used for design and not only purposes.

I invite you to explore more Polis University's website regarding this topic.

Best Regards,



It would be kind of you, if you would submit the share of your thesis, just interested in...

I saw the PAD ( Parametric Architectural Design ) MArch in Polis and i am interested to know if those lectures and practices are actually held in Tirana By who ? or are held in Coops with Berlage or Uni Trieste or TU Darmstad ?

UP offers 6 MArch... such a development for Albania, how much is yearly budget for each student to held this Master ?







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