
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to make clusters from various python modules, but I can tell it's not working, I've tried even with the simplest examples.

Is there any solution?

Thank you.

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Stefan, you should explain more details. What do you mean by cluster? What have you already tried? What code have you written? What error did you receive? If you used an online example, can you provide a link?

Well, python modules are actually GH components and I mean by cluster "Cluster selection" from Edit menu. I have a lot of Python components and I really need to join them somehow. My file is at work, so if there are more details to explain I'll post tomorrow.

I don't have an output error, neither a numerical result, that's why I think it's odd.

Thank you.

And here I was thinking you were trying to use different python libraries to create proximity-based point clusters or something similar. That's very different.

So your question is more like: "Why can't I turn multiple Python scripting components into a component cluster?"

Unfortunately, I can't answer that one.

Hi Stefan,


yes, I can reproduce this.

It seems something simple: if you save the cluster file and open it again, it will work. I'll look into this.

Maybe can I ask why do you need to cluster Python components (also because the clustering functionality is more in general not complete yet)? Would it not work to assemble the code together?


- Giulio

Thanks Giulio, this is working.






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