
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


WEll, i've been working on the voronoi sphere from Fancy Wires (
and i'm trying to create a piramid-like structure with every voronoi cell so i can laser cut the triangles and make some fun things.
the problem i have sounds really stupid but i really can't connect the vertices of the voronoi to the centre of it. i got all the points i need but when i connect them with a line, the vertices connect either with one single centre point or all of them, making a big mess. i think the problem is within the lists somewhere...

can anyone help me?

thank you!

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images? Not exactly sure what you want to try, but have you looked at the extrudePoint component? With a pt at the center of the vorCrvs you could displace it and extrude to it...
Is this what you mean?

sorry, i think i didn't make myself clear but that was really nice too. i had done that with hexagons and worked alright.
what i wanted though was that the point to which i'm extruding would be a point - endpoint of a sdl using the normal of each one of the planar surfaces.

thank you for the fast reply
You're going to have to post a screengrab to explain what you're trying to do. If you're starting with a voronoi pattern on a spherical surface there are no planar surfaces.
Taz, maybe he wants (lets say) the opposite of that...

so somehow try to find a point in the center of each voronoi cell, maybe find the closest point to the sphere surface, and evaulate it using that uv pt...get the normal, use that to move the point away from the surface, and then extrude to those points...
Ohhhhh. Pyramids pointing outward.

Yeah, that might be it.
here what i managed to do yesterday.
i got the original facets from fancy wires, analized the surface to get the normal, centre, drew a sdl with that to get the vector then I scaled the facet's wires and moved using the vector from the sdl then i connected the vertices with lines and lofted them.
I'm working now with atractor points for the distance and scale.






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