
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear all,

I would like to know how I can adapt the paneling grid to my surface..

I know how to adapt it to the surface "topographically" but its always a "squared" grid. I want a rounded grid, just like my surface.

Is it possible?

I understand there might be a way in grasshopper or without it...

Thank you in advance,
All the best,


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in Grasshopper its called "boxmorphing"

by "rounded", do you perhaps mean a radial grid?


That's exactly it!! it fits my object perfectly.

So now I would like to know how to convert those points into "paneling grid" points.

Because when i baked those points, the paneling tools didn't work with them.

Thank you so much. Really.

I haven't used PT much, but I think the attached definition should do the job.

I just copied Rajaa Issa's scripting component from here (example 2).

The script bakes the points and defines a unique name for each one (the name consists of the grid name, row index & column index), so later PT can identify the structure.


This is awesome!! Thank you so much!!

So now my onliy question is:

See in the "top" view how when i apply the paneling tools, it's not a closed grid? How would I go about closing this to make a uniform paneled object?

Thank you again so much.

You need to duplicate the first set ("column") of points and append it to the end, it involves basic data tree manipulation, see attached definition.

Good luck and don't forget to show your design here when it's done!







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