
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Like others have done here, I figured it was time for me to post my grasshopper wishlist. Many of the first things I post here will have been posted in various places or in messages to David, but this way everything is consolidated and people can share their thoughts.

1. Cluster rollover tips
Id like to be able to create rollover help text for each cluster input. This could be a right click thing once the cluster is created or something specified before creating the cluster (a string input for the cluster input arrows?)

2. Disconnect all outgoing
I'd like to be able to right click on an output of any component and disconnect all wires coming out of it.

3. Disconnect all selected
It would be cool if you could disconnect all incoming or outgoing wires from all currently selected components (instead of just one at a time).

4. List item dynamic slider
There has been a lot of discussion about dynamic range sliders and the issues that they would cause. Id like one specifically for list item selection. This would be an integer slider that would have a range of 0 to the list length-1. If the range remaps and the previous value is no longer available, I think it's best to have the current value stay as close to the previous value as possible.

5. Cluster slider/toggle inputs
I think it could be valuable to cluster a series of variable inputs (like sliders or toggles) to make a sort of options cluster. In this case you could just have a list of sliders and toggles each connected directly to a cluster output arrow, select all and create your cluster. This would be great with the value list component as well.

6. Have a component that could output the x and y location of actual components on the canvas relative to the top left corner... Not sure exactly what you could do with this but I think someone could do something interesting with it.

7. 3d MD slider. I see the option is greyed out and don't see a way to activate it... Still under development? Seems like it could be just like the color picker. Would be cool.

That's all I can think of right now. I'm sure there will be more to come in the future.
Feel free to comment.


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8. Being able to rename the inputs of the merge component would be nice.

In regards to number 2, I just remembered you can just copy and paste the component and delete the original, but I still think the option would be good to have.

for number 1. just double click the input arrow before making a cluster. Will let you give it a name, nickname, and description for the input.

Never knew that. Thanks michael!

(2) and (3) are done.

Is there a reason you want (6)? It's easy enough via VB/C# scripting but it sounds like it wouldn't be useful information for 99.9% of users.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Nice, I wonder if eventually you can just click a wire and delete it. 

That would require wires being selectable. It is currently utterly impossible to add any additional information to wires without some very serious SDK breakages.

I do agree that would be ideal.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hey David, I'm stoked you added the extra disconnect options, but I do actually miss having the disconnect all option in the primary right click window since it is probably the most commonly selected option. It's not a huge deal to have to go the extra step to get to it now, but maybe if we could have both that would be cool.

This is something that wouldn't be a big deal if there were custom keyboard shortcuts. I think I saw a comment you made that mentioned custom shortcuts coming in the near future..l is that true? I could be making that up.

If it is true, that is awesome. Would it be set up like aliases in rhino? Would macros be possible? Maybe even recording actions?

Too curious not to ask :)

9 - Normal sliders should have the maximum value to be the integer one enters at the double click component search list, cause most of the time one has to edit the max value of the slider...

Or at least have the double click value be in the Very middle of the slider' domain. Or once the double click menu is up, maybe you could type something like:


And it would spit out a number slider with a current value of 50 and an upper limit of 75.



Which would output slider with a lower limit of 25, a current value of 50 and an upper limit of 75.

Maybe spaces would be easier than commas.

Then maybe follows an optional letter for slider type:

0 5 10 f

Would be lower limit = 0, current value = 5, upper limit = 10, and it's a floating point slider.

It may sound like a lot of trouble but I hate editing sliders, lol.

I added the following pattern match to the slider: "?*<?*<?*"

this allows you to provide both the minimum, maximum and value. I.e.

10 < 40.0 < 55

will create a slider with a single decimal place accuracy (the number with the highest accuracy determines the ultimate slider accuracy) going from 10 to 55 with an initial value of 40.

You must supply all three numbers. If you supply an initial value outside of the min/max domain it will be clipped. If you provide an upper limit less than the lower limit they will be swapped. If you supply identical limits, the upper limit will be incremented by 1.0


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia








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