
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone!

I have a little problem with a definition I am working on.

It divides a surface into strips and then manipulates these strips according to the distance from an attactor (a curve in the atteched file).

In order to do this I use points on the lines that defines the strips. Moving these points modifies the strips.

The definition works fine as long as the attractor is one geometry. I cannot figure out to make it work when the attactor geometries are two; then the strips of the surface should modify only according to the closest (meaning that the points should move according to their distance from the closest attractor geometry).

I guess I should work with the path mapper or with the branches of the tree containing the points through which I build the curves and the strips ... but I cannot figure out how.

Any help will be welcome.

Thank you.


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I think it works like this, thank to Tree8 list management components!

For anyone who is interested.




Yes.. Great..


You used AllocB (Allocation with Branches) like as Graft

and AllocN (Allocation with # of Items) like as Shift Paths..


I have one suggestion..


You can use Relative Items to make two groups from same data with symmetric shift of branches or indices..


In below image..


the red group is your original definition using cull and shift of curves,

the green one is using Relative Items,

and the blue one is using First-End List of Tree8.. for same results..





thank you very much!!


what is the difference between Graft, Simplify. Flatten,....etc.i can never figure out how important it is or how it changes the information going in.

thanks in advance

For Graft and Flatten, take a look at this topic.

Reverse is just reversing the order of data inside of a list. For example if you had a list with this data:





By reversing it, you will get this:





For Simplify I copied this from Grasshopper component help:
Simplify a tree by removing the overlap shared amongst all branches. Imagine a tree with six branches:

A = {0;1;0}
B = {0;1;1}
C = {0;1;2}
D = {0;2;0}
E = {0;2;1}
F = {0;3;0}

As you can see all these branches share the same first index (0). Thus if you were to Simplify this tree, you'd end up with:

A = {1;0}
B = {1;1}
C = {1;2}
D = {2;0}
E = {2;1}
F = {3;0}

Do you know if this kind of operation (creating strips and then twisting them along a curve) can be achieved also for an already defined surface? Because the gh model for this one generates that surface which is then subdivided. I am wondering if I can apply it to a non-planar surface. Thank you!

thank you very much for your post, best of luck!






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