
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody!

For my final degree project i'm studying the Antarctica and its extreme phisical conditions. One of these conditions is the wind. My idea is to adapt one surface to the wind conditions in order to make it more aerodynamic. For this, I want to use genetic algorithm (galapagos)

At this moment, I take the wind vector only in one direction. For analyze the aerodynamic I have projected this wind vector into the normal vectors of the surface. If the project vector it's small this part of the surface it will be more aerodynamic.

My problem is the way to modify the surface. In this moment, for modify the surface I've made this:

- Divide the surface into curves

- Divide the curves into points

- Move the point to the attractors

- Remake the curves with the new points

- Loft the curves for make the new surface

- Analyze the surface in terms of aerodynamics.

Using this method the surface that I get is not smooth and continuous.

I ask you for help because:

- I don't know how to make this surface smoothier.

- Maybe you will have a better idea for make this

Attached you will find the 3dm and grasshopper files ;)

3dm File

GH file

Thank you in advance ;)

Views: 2323

Replies to This Discussion


How about using the original SubSurfaces rather than remade surfaces with Srf4Pt..



Thank you Jissi! I will try as you have told me!






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