
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hey all,

i´m trying some facade experiments for my thesis. At the Moment, I generate a voronoi curve network with an offset fillet and morph it on one surface of my shape.

The shape is like an L-Form that twisting 30 degree at the highrise position.

If I morph a Voronoi on any of the six L-Shape surfaces, the pattern is not seamless at the Edges.

Is there any possibility to unwrap the L-Shape and morph one voronoi on an group of the six surfaces?

Additional I have 2 Sorts of Attraktors for the voronoi:

  1. Attraktor generates higher density of the voronoi network with growing height
  2. Attraktor generates seletive areas with one big voronoi cell

Is it possible to transform the attraktor influence fromt the L-Shape to the unwrapping voronoi diagramm?

If anybody give a push in the right direction to find my solution, I will appreciatively 


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hey guys,

im a little step closer.

I´d make a voronoi grid. This grid I will cut in to 6 elements. these six elements i will morph to the facade sides.

but my problem is meanwhile the splitting of the voronoi surface.

is it posible to cut this in seperatly surfaces?

thanx for any help!



Maybe project the curves to the 6 individual surfaces?

hey brian,

thanx for your comment.

project the curves on the single surface will get an clean cut. but the planar fillet doesn´t work correctly.

I merged the cutting elements and the base voronoi fillet via list elements together and morphed them to my single surface.

Worked fine.But the morphing element has the wrong direction

Is there an option to flip the uv coordinates from the referencebox to rotate the pattern?

This is what a lot of people have been using for flipping UV directions.


thanx again.

but id don´t work for me. I´d try the bounding box and the surface box to flip.

Mh. I think I do something wrong...


Are you flipping the UV of the lofted surface? If that doesn't work maybe flip the original surface.

You could also look into using the Map to Surface component to get the curves on the lofted surfaces. Then do whatever you did to make the pattern solid. 

I tried to flip every surface. Base Loft, Loft surface, feference loft etc.

If I test your examplefile, the UV direction of the Plane is the same as without th C# component.. 

Or am I doing something wrong?


i found a working swap uv component at this threat ->

so the propotion looks correctly. but the bottom is on top. how can i control the direction? I tried with 3 components to get 270 degree, but this doesn´t work. Flip normals, flip matrix doesn´t also worked.

Any Idea´s?

If you are still lofting, try switching the order of the curves going into the loft component.

oh brian, thanx a lot. worked fine!

regards tim






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