
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

post here if you encounter any problems !!!

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you have to toggle the EcoObjectRequest to get the data.

maybe you should read the manual (located start/gecoGH/addon)

Thanks... it's done.. haha thank you very much.


you are welcome

Hey Klarke,

im having the same issue. how did you manage to solve it?


1. After ecotect's calculation, you plug out the wire which connect E(solar radiant component) and D(the one after)
2. Make a toggle, connect it to D, and shift to true.

Then you will see the mesh with vertex color.


Thanks. will do it!

Hello [uto]!

I am not sure where this issue resides or if it is something already reported.  It is an annoying behavior.  If I do a ecoMeshExport to get geometry to Ecotect (something I do all of the time) and then I run an analysis IN ecotect, I can only visualize the first set of analysis results.  For example, lets say I do a Natural Light Level Analysis over an analysis grid (after I do ecoMeshExport from Geco).  When Ecotect is finished, it automatically shows me the Daylight Factor in the Analysis Grid Settings.  If I want to change to 'Daylighting Level' or 'Internally Reflected,' ecotect does not allow it.  If I save the file, close ecotect, and reopen the file, the analysis results are there and I CAN change the analysis data.  Other things happen to, for example, I cannot turn on the contours, etc.  Can you duplicate this behavior?

I can work around it by saving the file as ecotect right after I send it from Geco, and restarting ecotect.

Let me know if you have any ideas.



Hi Luis,

we couldn't recreate the behaeavior you descrbe yet but we will dig into it.

We are still very busy for a week but than we hope to get it solved.




please tell me if i want to give a mesh for solar analysis, how can i also give the obstructions in its way? this will give the solar analysis on the mesh with respect to the obstruction shadows. can't seem to figure it out.  



I have a problem with ecotect launch component in geco.

I have recenly upgraded Rhino to version 4 SR9 from SR8 and grasshopper 08.0051 to 08.0063 followed by uninstalling and reinstalling Geco. When I tried to open the file with the geco components, I got the error message in 'EcoLink' component saying "Solution exception:Could not load file or assembly 'NDde,Version=2.1.563.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified".

Could you tell me how to fix this problem? I have Ecotect 2011 installed on my computer.

Thank you so much!



Hi Joo,

please check your start/control panel/uninstall programs and uninstall all gecoGh. Afterwards please install the newest GecoGH v1.030 and it will work properly.

Do not move manually files to other folders!







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