
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I start working with grasshopper this autumm and try to make my first concept (pavillion) with it. So sry for stupid questions :).


I started making frames with equal space between them. they are rotating in the center of each frame and the angle is depending to how far they are away from the point 0.


So inside/between the frames directly behind it, there should be a plane. so that the frames look like an outside-scelleton.

 I made a sketchy picture of what I'm thinking about:



The Problem is, that I can't create that inner plane!

maybe somebody got a great idea, how i can do this?


here is the Grasshopper-file I'm working on:


thank you for any help!




Views: 983

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your file is just bringing up code, just upload the actual .gh file here

Sorry, my fault!


here the new link. i will edit it in the post

still not working, there is an upload files button under the text box, use that.

got it! sry about that :D

 Be carefull if you trim solid before extract edges because order is breacking. Maybe someone could tell us why didn´t  works trim solid. Cheers.


wow! thank you soo much lucas!!! really apreciate that people take time to solve those problems. thank you so much. you helped me alot!

i'll keep that in mind with the trimming.


i will study this for days now :D


thank you again!








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