
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi... I haven't used Spatial Deform much... but I was hoping that it would perform like the cageedit command in Rhino.  Unfortunately it seems to have quite a different behavior, with highly localized effects near points and a quick falloff, resulting in this pillsbury doughboy effect I am seeing (see image 1). 

I used an alternate method of point fields on surface, translate, and surface from point field to get the effect I want (see image 2).  This method also calculates much faster, according to the Profiler.  But I would love to be able to use the spatial deform component on more complex topological objects...

Am I missing the point of Spatial Deform?  Anyone using this component successfully?


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I'm working on a similar problem, trying to replicate CageEdit in GH. I'm having more luck with SurfaceMorph, but its very difficult to control the shape of things in the W dimension.see attached.

A few months ago I saw David give a presentation on the "new features" (old by now) in grasshopper and what he showed when demoing the spatial deformation component was something similar to D'arcy Thompson's deformation diagrams:

hope that helps

- case
It helps to know that David had this kind of deformation in mind, but it doesn't help in the sense that I have not gotten it to work correctly yet. I have tried with a full grid of points, as well, instead of just boundary points, no luck... anyway, if anyone can post a proper usage, I would appreciate it.

This was David's quick verbal description. I just found it again...

I think I'm running up against the same issue you were.

I was thinking I could get [Spatial Deform] to work as a custom morph box, but it doesn't seem to operate in the same fashion when it translates geometry. Basically it seems like [Spatial Deform] only produces 2D transformations (and the pillowing effect).

The image may not be the clearest and my definition is a mess, but the basic setup I was playing with was a hexagonal lattice bounding volume.

The base geometry is deformed, but the orientation doesn't relate to the target space.

Any thoughts or progress?






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