
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

how on earth can i make a surface from these level lines in grasshopper/rhino?

well, the title says all...

really hope you can help... thanks a lot!





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Its metaballs.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


do you think we will ever see a "cleaner" and "faster" option to skin metaball curves rather than meshfrompoints. Just curious.

3D metaballs at some point. Not very high priority.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

thanks but i was asking how to make a surface out of it (i changed the title in the meantime realizing it might be confusing)

you could treat the legs as three seperate lofted surfaces and the top as a lofted surface - add in a small circle at center of area on the last section curve to extend the size of that surace. This could all be done by organizing the list of curves produced via metaball function. Now you could take the upper edge of the three lofts and offset out and project onto top surface. Split the surface with those projected curves and then you need to create a blend surface from trimmed boundary to the upper edge of the lofts. The blend may need to be done in rhino unless there is a component somebody has made that gives continuity options on a lofted surface. That would be a great tool to have in GH - the blend surface command.


I can't use meshfrompoint on my Rhino because, even if I put the downoladed files in my software directory there is same problem..I use rhino 5

any help?





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