
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Attractor point that creates a "bulge" instead of a "peak"

I'm trying to set up a standard attractor point definition:
A grid with boxes in each cell where the size of the boxes depends on the distance to an attractor point.

However, I'm looking for a somewhat different effect than what I get.

I'd like to create a "bulge" more than a "peak" in the box grid. Any ideas on how to do this? I have a fealing this could be done with an expression, but my math knowledge is not at it's peak (or bulge) at the moment.

I hope this illustrates what I'm aiming for:

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This (an exponential form) is what I'm getting right now:

A peak that is, and the shape I'm looking for is more like a bulge.
Could this be achieved with some sort of expression? I want the height of the boxes to increase the closer they are to the attractor point, but when the come within a certain distance the increasing movement will decline.

Or is there a way to set this up without using an expression/function?
here you go, ive used these structrues in the past
Thanks! I'll sit down tomorrow and try to figure it out,
Yes, use the graph mapper component. This way you have more control over the shape of your bulge:






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