
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi guys,


propably its a very trivial question, but i wanted to ask how you can apply a gradient on lines.  In the attached image you can see my attemt and the grasshopper definition.

basically I have 3 points. 2 that are named |"N" and  "H"a 3rd one that is named "tn-2".


what i would like to achieve is a gradient that would start from the points N and H and will end at TN-2. With what i have now it seems that the gradient is applyed randomly.




could anyone help?


thanx in advance!

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instead of bounds try using distance logic, so the further a segment is from a point it is a specific color, By giving the segments to bounds your assigning each segment a gradient separately, hence the separate colors, they are not interacting with each other in the gradient scheme.

hey thanx for the advise, seems to work a bit better now. The thing is because the lines are curved the end of them might be closer to the the attractor than a part of the line its midle. Is there any way i could not use the distance logic, but give a color depending on the position of the line segment?

for example say tha each curve is devided into 5 segments, and each segment has a spesific color.     so each time counting as first segment the one tha is close to the N or H point distribute the colors accordingly to each one.  So all the srating segments have the same color, then the second ones have an other color etc... till you reach the final one

is there a way to do that?


I would get the center point of each segment and use that list with distance to an attractor to do it, just quickly thinking off the top of my head. Maybe since the lines are in a list do it by segment, so u have 10 segments, so the gradient min is 0 and max is 10 and feed gradient the lines? It would be easier if you upload the file.

i see,

here is the file if you want to check it...


thanx alot!


Ning and rar files don't mix. Try uploading a Zip file instead.

I also cannot open it.






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