
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Does curveboolean exist yet in SDK. If so is it possible to have it as a component in the next release? Thanks

Views: 381

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If all your curves are:
all open curves AND have a maximum of two intersections per curve I have a solution (UO).

Cool, what would you solution be?

Provided your curves are meeting these conditions...:


Ill check it out, much appreciated. Basically I'm trying to custom make cells the way rec grid outputs cells.

my UO won't be of help at that...

Basically I want to manipulate the rec grid points and re-cell it. Whats the most effective way to do so? I'm thinking shatter, list item, join the correct items? Seems like it can get confusing that's why I wondered if there was curve Boolean. Thanks.(The mathematics in this definition have no logic, just to show you an example of what I want to achieve.)







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