
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am having problem with the louver system based on the ecotect analysis files as i followed a guy from this webpage However, the curve cannot interpolate and sweep the surface out. I am using 080051 version for grasshopper. can someone help me to check out what is the problem????! i really want to say much thanks for any help.. 

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From the Look of the screen shot it was written in a much earlier version of GH 0.6.x So I would suggest if the definition contains an SDivide component you locate it and flatten the output. Alternatively Use the Shift Paths Component set to -1 (Preffered Method)

i will try.... I guess there is some problem

I am still failed to achieve. any one can help out here?!

I haven't got the eco components so if you could post a screen shot of the canvas it would help. Please can you switch on Draw Icons and Fancy Wires from the View Menu then got to the File menu and select Export High Res image.

i saw the same problem people uploaded before. but yet i failed to follow as the link below

thanks a lotttt


Hi Joni,


I think the problem stems from this wire. There is only a single data item which throws the List item component out by supplying indices too high (i.e. not 0)


The other Post you linked to has a very different input to the same components.

explode is the one u add-on>???

what is the function that add to LNG with L as the input.? I don have it in the script previously 

Its probably Mesh Explode. You would need to install [uto] Mesh Tools from here


If you don't have a third party plug in installed when you open a definition up you should get an error message like this one that I get when I open your file.

Which gives

You can usually tell from then name of the components that don't load which plug-in it comes from.

mesh edit how can i install into my ghx files? can u teach 

Un-zip the file to the location C:\Users\<JoniPeggy>\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries

Where "<JoniPeggy>" is your windows login.

EDIT: The next time you start GH it should be installed.


Or Unzip it to your desktop and then drag the file onto the Grasshopper Canvas and Let GH save it to the correct place.

i think it is called mesh decompose? 

not much difference tho






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