
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys. I'm trying to learn about this great plugin.

I'm looking for a component that splits a list in a list of list.

I have 60 values, and i'd like to get a list of 15 sublists of 4 values each.

Can you help me out ?

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Check the Expression function list:

"Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number"

Thanks, I'm still new to the "manual" side of grasshopper.

I was able to add the ceiling(C) function onto the Series input - guessing maybe it was a spelling error, or?


also attached is a little exploration of the user object you shared and the flatten/path mapping/simplifying situation


i must say i agreeee that I don't understand why simplify on a Series Output that is all {0;0} wouldn't end up as {0}... maybe david will pipe in here at some point...

Yes, the Series C input does accept the Ceiling(C) expression, but it doesn't seem to be working correct. It wasn't a spelling error. Thanks for your exploration gotjosh, after I got a break I think I fixed the UserObject (still with a separate Ceiling(Num) though).

cool little user object - don't see your bug... are you using simplify anywhere in the attached file?


I notice that sometimes simplify doesn't boil things down the way i expect, but i usually blame that on my expectations not on simplify... ;-)


but maybe there is something to look into - can you isolate the situation(s)?



I notice that sometimes simplify doesn't boil things down the way i expect, but i usually blame that on my expectations not on simplify... ;-)

Haha, that makes me laugh, bacause is the way I feel about it too. Weird simplify!

No didn't use simplify, but only because it didn't work.
I'd like my userobject to make the original paths {0;0}, {0;1}... only one branch 'deeper', so the output path would be {0;0;0}, {0;0;1} ...
Now the outputs paths are {0;0;0;0}, {0;0;0;1}...  :|
is it this you are looking for?
I think one component should only add one branch, so flattening the series output in the SLLN was enough, thanks for the help!
one more question, sorry for sounding like such a newbie today its one of those days were redbull isnt enough and GH logic is making my head hurt, I made a simple ghuser file not to long ago that removes the "boarder" of a list to clean up my "wire clutter" on the GH UI but I modified it to keep the same branch structure, {0,0,0} is still {0,0,0} after the component use, I belive it wanted to go to {0,0,0,0}. Was forcing it to keep given data structure a potentially bad move? here is the ghuser file. thanks.
Okay, here is the corrected user object, thanks for the help bros :)

very useful ghuser file, what does "SLLN" stand for...... split list _ _ ?







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