
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

how do you prevent curves from double projecting on a surface that is say spherical. Basically restricting it so that once it projects on to the surface it will not project on any part of the surface past it.

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The only way I found is to cull the undesired projections, by example by keeping only the closest projected curve.
yea thats what I have been doing, it gets tedious when your surface is tripling and quadrupling back, causing a lot of projections. Maybe I'll try remap.

Another solution would be to divide the curve in points, pull the points to the surface (Pull Point component with C=true) and reconstruct the curve from the pulled points.

May give some weird results sometimes perhaps.


Edit: actually, for a real projection following a direction, better use same strategy with  SCX (Surface | Line) with input line= line between each point and each point+projection direction and  Lf= true.

good point, i'll give it a try.

Interesting problem so I worked a bit more on it, let me know how it works.

thanks alot ill check it out.






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