
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

NU-Scale seems a little bit tricky when it comes to produce 1D scaling refered to previus geometries... (non X,Y,Z oriented, lots of angles...) Any thoughts about this?


In my case, I am trying to use this for different polygons without knowing which will be the scaling point (is random) so i can't trust rotation angles.

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do you know the components vector 2 point?
yes, in fact, I was trying to figure out how to take advantage of it, since I always have sides perpendiculars to the vector i want to use for the scaling.
can you post a file of exactly what your trying to do?

You can create a custom plane as a different from of reference for x,y,z to scale by.

Edit: Last image was technically wrong

Hi Danny, which it that component going out from "brep components"? the one that looks like a graphic or whatever?


I was trying your way more or less, but not using in the correct way the planes with the vectors. I'll try again and let you know. Thanks!

[Average] Mathematically its a quicker way to get the centroid of a cube than the [Volume]
nice tip

Thanks again Danny, your definition helped me to finally reach my objective.

I did a different one which works for doing "more regular" 1D scales for cubes, squares... (keeping one edge or face always original)

No big deal, since is for a very specific thing.







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