
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am working in my final project for the university and I found this really great def


But I cant find the way to make 2 columns work.

I add a number 2 in the column data but makes the information go to column number 2.

how can I do this? and also at the same time decide the column where I want the data to be inserted?


ps: what about the titles? how can I have more than 1???

I have this really nice it posible to organize all the data something similar to this?? I have more than 1600 numbers to organize and would be great to have everything a little more clear!





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Have you looked into gHowl. Downloadable from the Food4Rhino website, make sure you have the OpenXML engine installed, it comes in the dependencies folder in the zip file. 


You can feed your data tree into the Spreadsheet Writer component and have all on the Items on a branch as the columns and each branch as a row. If you want column headings then you can run a Multi line panel through a flatten component with the path set to {-1} and feed this into the sheet input at the same time.


Edited to swap Bold items

thanks for your answer. the truth is that I was able to find other def that did this just fine but since I have so much date to organize ( I am talking about more than 1600 elements) that must be numbered, clasified by rows and lenght. and this other def that I upleaded first gives a lot of more possibilities to change the color of cells in excel text etc etc.

thanks anyways

I really need the answer for my other problem

You may be using an old version. I went though some similar troubles and pointed them out to the author, David Mans here.

Try this link for the latest

Version 05 was working quite well last I tried.

thats really weird cuz I have the latest verson for grasshopper and the excel exporter! :S

Yes the stuff by Neoarc and GhHowl is very good.


Im finalizing some components that might help you. The main aim of my excel components which differ to Neoarc and GHowl is to provide fast round tripping of data in real time in and out of GH. They also use back ground threading, and include a live link to that allows for round tripping of data between multiple sheets as data is read and written from/to grasshopper. They seem to process data reasonably fast, 1,048,573 records with four fields in 40 seconds. 1600 numbers with four fields takes a few ms. Have a look at some videos I posted. If you like I can let you try them out when ready.

YES! that would be good for both of us!

but doest have as many posobilities as the neoarc ecel exporter? it should man!!!

but yeah 1600 numbers its alot of data! and your version would work like a charm!

keep in touch I need to have this ready kind of soon I am running out of time!

thanks though!!!






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