
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all, I´m a mac user and since I have heard there is a Rhino's mac version on the go I would like to know if there is any plan to develop Grasshopper for the mac os version of rhino. If this is possible or is planned to, any idea when it would be available? It would be fantastic. (Sorry about my English)
Thanks and season's greetings from here.

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We are working on this, but it's going to take a long time. I doubt we'll have anything ready for testing within the next 6 months.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Thank you David. Well, when you have anything ready I would like to test it if possible.
I also own a Mac and I use Grasshopper, if you need testers for a Mac version do not hesitate to contact me. I will be glad to help on this.

Regards, RJ.
I am a new user of Grasshoppe and I have a Mac. I wanna check the Mac version, could you send it to me?Please.

Thank you
Hi! I have a Mac too, could you send me this version? thanks a lot!
Hi David.
I'd also like to test a alpha/beta version of gh


It's not going to be a separate version at all, the same rhp file is supposed to run on both Windows and Mac. It will need testing of course, as the software will run on two different platforms (Microsoft DotNET Framework on Windows and Novel Mono Framework on Mac), and there will most likely be differences.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

I would love nothing more, than to stop using VMWare Fusion just to run Windows just to run Rhino to just run grasshopper...


Sign me up for the mac Rhino/Grasshopper testers list...

any news about the mac version ?

Not for another couple of months.

This month I'm busy getting 0.7.0001 out, next month I'm in London doing workshops, and after that I'll start looking into which Mac I want to buy.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
They finally made you buy a mac... I really hope the process of porting it goes smoothly, i wouldn't want development time being spent having to keep both versions working rather than improving on a single one.
Oh don't worry, anything that doesn't work goes straight to Steve's and Marlin's todo lists.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia






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