
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,

another incremental update, probably the last one for a while. Some minor bugfixes, practically no new functionality.

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David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 8847

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Thanks Dave!

Love the piechart, but what is it for?
Same as the BarGraph I suppose. And the TextPanel. So you can inspect in realtime what data you have. Unlike the other graph feedbacks, this one works on Strings, not numbers.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Thnx David!

When components are lined up very close to each other (basically when they are flush) and I enable and then disable the profiler, a ghost of the profile identifier still remains atop the component below.

Imagine my mouse is hovering over the top portion of the second random component (where the R input is). A manual rebuild doesn't seem to solve the problem.

Thanks Taz,

I'll fix it.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
David, you really do a phenomenal job with Grasshopper. Every time I look at an update I am impressed. The tools you add always provoke me to think of more creative ways to integrate information into 3D modeling.

Thank you!

Thank you!
maybe a bug? Some simple data conversion brought up an error, and I can't seem to change booleans into integers.

I think the output of a panel is always strings, but if you use the same input into the Int Param then you should find 1s and 0s.

Hmm, Danny is right, but it should still work I think. I'll make the conversion from X to integers smarter.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia






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