
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, I am in need of help. How can I go about to creating a line that is perpendicular to a surface i.e I have a pyramid and I want to create a line that is perpendicular to one of its faces at its center so that I can create another pyramid at that face such as in the image. I am able to do it in regular rhino by orient camera to surface then make2d then rotate3d back into its spot; however my outcome would be much faster if I can figure out a way to do this in grasshopper since each initial "host" pyramid is derived from a Delaunay equation and I plan on using the Delaunay lines as the generators of my pyramids.


Outcome picture attached is what I'm trying to achieve through grasshopper



Cesar Beltran

Views: 5764


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Miachel thanks for helping me out however  I cant seem to get the flattened faces to work correctly




but your f output for surface frames is not flattened in your screenshot, it should be flattened.
I flattened it but it still gives me multiple lines to each point and theyre not going perpendicular to its corresponding face
It is because of the way you built the geometry in rhino (it matters) sure all the triangles are joined as one brep but as surfaces they all have different normals, essentially because they started as different shapes. Try this way, it goes face by face, you just have to change whether the length is a positive or negative number based on that surfaces normal. I'm sure someone else knows a better way but here is this for now.
thanks this one worked better only thing I'm dreading is having to do it for all my pyramids and its faces
its ok, If your pyramids are neatly constructed then this should work (I put more thought into it, sometimes I forget some components exist) The part highlighted purple reverses the normals if they are going the wrong way, you may or may not need it depending on the surface. In this case i needed it.
If I understand the question right...
whats the last component?
Extr (Extrude Point)  (in Surface > Freeform)
interesting, is there any difference in my method compared to yours, out of curiosity, maybe in computational time, or is one more full-proof? It interests me how many ways others do tasks.
must be a million ways ;) I just made this hoping I understood the question right. Since I only needed the normal, I left the uv(w) to a sort of default 0,0,0.






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