
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey I am new to this forum so I will start by saying Hi! And also Sorry in advance if this is posted in the wrong section of the forum. But here is my issue. 


What I have is a Polygon that is adjustable in size via sliders. The Polygon is running to the Area button. From the area I have it going to two functions, Condition A: x greater than or equal to 200, and Condition B: x less than or equal to 200. And what I would like to do from there is say if Condition A is true then take the floor to floor heights from Excel File A or if Condition B is true then take the floor to floor heights from Excel File B. I am sure what to do with Excel files once they are loaded in but I don't know how to get it to choose between to the two. If you have any Ideas they would be greatly appreciated. If not it won't be the end of the world if I have to scrap the Idea

Views: 1240

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Have you tried with dispatch?


Best Regards



Hi Tim, the conditions cannot both have the "or equal to" addition, because if the area is 200 you'd be calling two lists. I would use the Filter component (Sets > Tree > filter).
If you make A or B the path to the Spreadsheet (which would come out of S) you would save a tiny bit of processing time and only open the spreadsheet when needed... just a thought.  Probably will make no difference if the spreadsheet contains small amounts of data...
You mean like this Luis? (Howcome the Ghowl  # IN doesn't accept the path?)
If this can be done I could see this being a helpful tool down the line.

Pieter, there is a new version of gHowl, have you downloaded it yet?  In order to run the spreadsheet components there is a small dependency: download Microsoft OpenXMLSDK.  We switched recently from using OpenOffice to using OpenXML as its more stable for development.


the performance using OpenXML is in my opinion, MUCH faster than the older method with OpenOffice, so what you describe above should be very doable.

Ah thanks so much Luis :), updated gHowl and this time used valid xlsx files... Working beautifully now:
This worked Perfectly. But out of curiosity. What button is that in your picture that is orange?
that component is  #IN (Spreadsheet In) from Luis' gHowl

that component is  #IN (Spreadsheet In) from Luis' gHowl


as of the last release, gHowl is everybody's ;)


Tim, if you need any help setting up some spreadsheet reading, let me know.  One thing, the version of the spreadsheet components only accepts and writes *.xlsx files from Office 2007 and beyond.  P.S. Other Excel Solutions include David Mans' GH_Excel Suite which was just updated.

Ok Sounds good. As right now I am going to go with two separate files because this for an assignment in which I have to present my definitions on another computer that likely doesn't have gHowl But I will be experimenting with this for my own fun. Thanks for the help guys!






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