
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to create this is grasshopper, I am new and have dabbled around, but I cant seem to figure this out. I watched the cull pattern tutorial but I get an error message that "the supplied index is too high". Any help would be greatly appreciated




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Post your definition.
here is my definition. My trouble is when I increase the list item slider to 3 (which is the error message). After I work that out I intend to create a primitive sphere in rhino and use that surface in the definition, and then extrude the curves generated from cull pattern curves.

Definition so far...




I do not how how the Srf and the Crv look like?! Please post your 3dm as well. Otherwise I added a solution I made myself. Have fun with it :-)


Best Regards


This is my attempt (see attached files)

Thank you Dedackelzucht and Mateusz Zwierzycki so much. 


Although Mateusz Zwierzycki, I have a few questions about the definition, like I said, I am new.

1. For the list item following the weave, there is a rotation icon on "L" item generic data, and I am not sure how to get this icon.

2. Under the generic data component that connects to the A/B division and series component. Again not sure what data I need to input.


Thank you both for replying, I really appreciate it.

1. this icon is reverse (right click on input L). this vould be achieved also with reverse list component. 


2. data in input A is 2*pi (for rotation angle)


And the definition

ok thanks again, and i appreciate your time, I took your advice and made the corrections, and i received and had to add a reverse list component and unfortunately, another error runtime message on both lofts indicating insufficient valid  profile curves. I am attaching my def. and rhino file is you could take a look at them and maybe determine what is wrong with my files. Again, thank you so much. 



Thank you





two things to change:

1. After the flipmatrix: First item with i=0, secound item with  i=1 third item with i=0 and fourth item with i=1

2. flatten the outputs of the line component and the polyline component before lofting


Best Regards


Thank you, I will use your recommendations, also the grasshopper file that you posted, i was unable to open it, maybe a different version, however, if its not too much trouble, i would like to see what you created, maybe re-post if possible, if not, i will work with this until i get it. thank you for the links-greatly appreciated


Thank you everyone who helped me with this definition, I really appreciate everything. 






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