
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

HELP! "Offset surface" splits the surface and offsets them in different directions :(


I have a little problem. I want to offset the surface you can see in the picture on the right site. The surface on the left site is the result I got by Grasshopper. The Grasshopper code worked on easy samples without problems but on this multiple surface it didnt worked. Someone knows why? PLz help :)



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Can you upload the files?



here are the files. I want a constant wall thickness so it should offset the surface upwards.


I hope you can help me.


It seems u have rhino 5, I cant open the file, can you down save?


FYI weaverBird has a mesh thicken which may also work for you.


I was going to suggest that as well but I just realized those cuts you see are all individual surfaces, its not a mesh, and each one of those surfaces contains yet more tiny surfaces. I made it a mesh and did mesh thicken and got similar different direction results. I'm thinking the surface normals are messed up, Test123 why is it necessary this surface be so broken.


I dont know weaverbird sry :) I need to create the thickness automatically in grasshopper.


I attached the Rhino 4 files :) I hope it helps




it seems to work with weaverbird I joined the surface then created a mesh and used the thicken tool by weaverbird. not the perfekt result but maybe its enough at first I will try to process with it.


It is a multiple surface because I used a complicated model before which consists of many surfaces. Till now I get no single surface model so I have to try it with such a multiple surface. Have a look at the picture it looks not bad for just trying 5 min. Maybe there are options to get a better result in weaverbird.



I cant use a mesh for the next steps. If someone knows how to create the offset and thickness as a brep plz show me, need help!



Hi Test123, I tried something too, but I guess your polysurface is just too funky. Still hope this will help a bit.
Here is a modified definition working perhaps a little bit better, but I agree the polysurface is funky too much.


I cant open your file :( maybe you can safe it again.


Is it possible to convert such a polysurface into a singlesurface?


thx so far



If you have a set of points (or a mesh) you may be able to reverse engineer a clean surface.


For example you can try Resurf products.  They have a free demo.






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