
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

would like to know how to apply one command to many objets using a specific point of each of them. In this case i want to TURN all the squares using their center points, not to make them turn using one point.
maybe newies should have (we) our own space inside discussions, don't you think?
i really feel shy to ask things, i am always trying to search and find solutions which is what i think it will make me learn, but finally i am not getting answers when reading.
i think this item has been solved, as i think it may be a typical problem for a newie.
i searched "turn" in the discussion searching, and got only one topic.
so i tried other ways, and finally decided to post
thanks people, its great to know you are there,

Views: 255


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Javier,

no problem at all, ask away. The only stupid question is one you should have asked, but didn't.

In order to rotate a bunch of objects around unique center points, you must supply equal numbers of objects and points:

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Thanks, i really needed this for many other situations.
One other question.
I want to apply for a grant to study abroad. I already became and architect, but my feelings now are more keen on learning this language and its possibilities with CNC.
so my question is if you teach, or know where i would get a good long term (up to 12months) course.
I only find 3 days courses, or expensive university masters.
I am living in Brno, by the way (although xmas time i came to Spain, where i am from).
Thanks again!
Hi Javier,

I only rarely teach, and then usually only 2 day workshops organised either by local resellers (do you know Jan Slanina? He's also based in Brno) or universities.

Brno is actually only about 5~6 hours by train from where I live, but since I work at home, it's kind of difficult to invite people over here.

The only frequent workshops I know of are held in London and Barcelona. I've been giving a lot of them in the past, but I think there's at least 3 people in the greater London area who are fully equipped to deal with these demands so I don't have to travel quite so much. In Barcelona, workshops are organised mostly by McNeel Europe.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
There might be some workshops at the beginning of next year in the ETSAM, Madrid.
I´ll do my best to get it. : )
So i won't get it. i need to find a long term course, from a public university, and would love to have some vb and c++ oriented to grasshopper. Not just a 3 days course, as the grant is for 12 months or more.
so looking at delft, and Oslo, as Fraguada wrote me, but can't really find the course programs, and i am nearly out of date.
i just emailed those universities, and will wait for some news.
seen also columbia, which is too expensive for me, and they are programming with c++ at maya. maybe those books are also helpful?
i will try to get them
javier zaratiegui
perhaps you should consider going for a PhD and relying on yourself defining what you want out of "all of this stuff". then you'd not be so totally dependent on a university programme that might, in the end, not really cater to your needs anyways.. as you're not undergrad anymore ;D






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