
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey Everyone!
Any ideas about creating a voronoi sphere? 2d is fine.

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Vicente Soler made a brute force voronoi 3D vbnet component, is very slow but it works.

Here I made a sphere, then I took some random points on the surface and applied the voronoi3d vnet component:

Another method would be if you take some random points on half sphere, project those points on a plane, use the 2d voronoi and project back the voronoi curves to the sphere... then repeat that for the other half.
thanks manuel...but im looking more for a sphere with voronoi holes like in the picture.
Here 200 points, took 25 minutes to calculate, then I keep only the curves (cull the lines, polylines, etc) and use pipe:

25 minutes... wtf.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Wow how did u calculate the 200 points? and could you upload the gh file as well? thanks so much.
25 mins to make the definition or for GH to calculate it?
Here's a related question... Open to everyone...

Since a NURBS sphere is created from a single surface when you take a random sampling of a large number of points on the sphere surface there is a clustering of the points around the "poles".

I'm guessing that is also the case with Manuel's Voronoi ball above...

Is there a clever way to get a uniformly random distribution of points across the geometric (not NURBS) surface of a sphere?
To answer my own question, I just heard about this thing called the "internet"...
I was about to comment on that. Another problem that might arise (I'm not sure if Manuel solved or just camouflaged it), is that it will create a seam in the sphere. To solve this using the available components, you could copy the points in uv space as if you where tiling a texture:

Original set of points:
New set of points:

Input all of them into the voronoi component and then use only the cells in the center (I haven't tried this, if there's an obvious simpler way please say).
Taz is correct about the clustering thing...

The seam that Vicente Soler mention, does appear, but if you just need the wires (for the pipes or something like that), the seam appear as an arc curve that you can cull out, so there is no problem with that... (thanks for the :D)

Luis: 23 minutes took the component to calculate the voronoi 3d for 200 cells. The B output of the component can tell you the time (thanks again Vicente). Anyway I was working on another thing, so maybe it can be a little less.


It may not be exactly the same thing, but I've used Facet Dome since it looks like Voronoi and I didn't have to deal with the seam issue...

It may not be true Voronoi patterning.
Ahh... Satisfyingly random with Facet Dome.

Definition is posted, but there's a lot of duplicate geometry I didn't try to get rid of.

At least it didn't take 25 minutes...







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