
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

My 3DVoronoi cluster.

I used only standard grasshopper components (without VB and C#).

Thanks to Philipp (Kazan, Russian Federation) for some corrections.


Views: 22566


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Pretty cool. What are the components used for this cluster. I'm interested to know because most others just use qhull.
you can open the cluster to take a look. Great thing Nikolay noticed is the way brep - brep component works with surfaces (substracts everithing undert the surface so he used this feature for his voronoi.

Yes, I didn't realize doing things the proper way was so much slower. I replaced the boxes from this definition ( with planes and boolean differerence. It runs 4 times faster.

kinda makes me wonder why people use qhull then.

Just to a look and I am surprised at how simple this is, excellent. Maybe you just obsoleted qhull. Yours is much faster. Now the hard part, finding a logical architectural meaning to apply Voronoi aside from aesthetics. 


Already on it.

I'm working on using 3D voronoi to define programme and structure for my current studio design.

Will upload pics when its working better.

Hey Andrew,


Im working on simmilar goal as you for my thesis project.. I would like ( if possible) to see some update as you suggested?



Perhaps I am doing something wrong, but Qhull is still a lot faster.

For 100 points : Qhull(+breps creation/intersection)= a few seconds when 3DVoronoi = 1 min

For 300 points : Qhull about 12 seconds versus 7.2 minutes for 3DVoronoi...


(phenom x4 965BE, fast RAM)

For me qhull is slower dunno why, I'm on a MBP intel i7 quadcore sandybridge w/ 8gb ram. I think the benefit of the cluster though is it's ease, especially for beginners. I find qhull a tad tedious to control (most newer users cant even install it properly), and I like in the cluster how u can set a brep boundary, unless I missed that in qhull.


I agree, the cluster  is ready and easy to use.

Setting a brep boundary isnt very hard with Qhull (with latest Dimitrie's component), for some reason I couldnt use directly Dimitrie's defininion properly, but I used it as seen in the screenshot, removed the first 8 open polysurfaces with the shift component and the solid intersection works well with the chosen boundary. You might have to play a little with the Bbox scale too.

Nice! For example, there are 3D Voronoy script VB
very nice component thank you very much. works a bit slow but its works with all BReps, thumbs up!






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