
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello people!
Can someone tell me how to divide a surface a bit irregularly. When we use divide interval, it divides any surface like the image on left. But how to get something like the one on right? I mean I dont want EXACTLY like that, but you get my point right? I think the solution is something like an attractor point or something but can someone please explain me the procedure?

Many Thanks

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perhaps you could just project an already deformed grid on a surface..

or get the UV grid from a surface and move/rotate(duplicate..implicitly) rows of CVs depending on the distance to several attractors. that way you could still increase the subdivision amount later on.

hey.. or... you take two identical surfaces and copy one of them vertically above the other one. (just on top of it, z axis..). then, you extract the isoparm grid from the upper one, redensify the lower surface and deform it with a sort of "soft edit" (which exists in Rhino, not sure about GH cuz I never tried it). then, you project the isoparm grid of the upper surface onto the lower one, and it should be deformed depending on the manipulation of the lower surface. when you reproject it upwards once again, you get a deformed grid on the originally shaped surface.
wait, does that even work or am I missing something here... gotta try that when I have a chance.. ah hurm... wow, that is a terribly roundabout idea of a method, I must say anyways... uh

I recomend Jellyfish from Daniel Piker, its somewhere on the forum and on its webpage (spacesymetrystructure). You can deform grids and project it to surfaces, or deform surfaces... almost deform everything... Goog luck
yes, you can use some kind of attractor definition, that will give you a new grid of points and with that you can use the surface from points component.

You probably can search in the forum for the attractor definition, but here are some quick steps:
- Create a line between your attractor point and the regular grid of points (Use closest point component for multiples attractors points).
- If you want an "attractor point" use the evaluate curve component on the line, for the "evaluate numbers" use a function with the distance from the closest point component and some min and max number that you define with sliders or something like that.
- If you want a "repulsor point" use the extend curve component on the line with a similar function that before.

If you want the two things (attractor and repulsor) is a little more difficult and require that you know how to work with the tree component: you can use the index output from the closes point component and separate the grid in two list with different path, so you can apply the attractor and repulse thing to each list.

You can work with vectors, but in my opinion is a little more difficult.
Hi Deepthi,

you've probably already found a solution to this, but I was interested in the ramifications of the problem and hacked together a simple definition.

It just checks whether points in an array of UV coords are included within a Brep and rotates them with an adjustable angle.. you could have as many "deformers" as you need in this, I think.

kind regards,
Ah I was so excited to see your reply and the files but I cant seem to open the GH file. This is the error that comes up :(

dang, I really seem to have a problem with file compatibility.. not the first time this has happened. no idea what the problem is, really.. are you on the latest version .043? are you on a mac, possibly? heard that there are potential issues...
ok here's a jpg of the definition.. sorry for the delay, I'm a slacker sloth who can't ever get out of bed ;D yea for days!! ha! how's that for architectural counter culture.. but I digress. have a merry xmas season!







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