
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi everybody!
I need some help...
I'm trying to chamfer the corners of these squares I've drawn. (they are composed by surfaces)
What I would like to do is create extruded solids and subtract them from the squares.
The base of the soilds has to be the octagon with vertex 0-2-1-3-2-0-3-1.
I've managed to create lines connecting the points of the series in each square (the series are obtained by evaluating the length of the segments of the squares at 0.2 and 0.8).
My problem is that I don't know how to connect the other lines outside the squares, because each serie is referring just on one square.

It sounds confusing I know...I'll put images to make it clearer!
Thanks a lot!

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Replies to This Discussion

It might be best if you avoid trimming.

Instead you could try creating your octagonal geometry as a flat plane and using a flow-along-surface type definition to propagate your geometry.
hey Taz!
thanks for the suggestion, I'll try to...
I'm still trying to resolve my problem, your suggestion was great!!! ...I really want to work with bouding boxes....
my problem now is the same of the guy who created the conversation....this method approximates the edges of the box-surface, so the result is not smooth.
Do you know how to resolve this and thus obtain applied geometries on the surface with edges following the surface edges?

I can't find the flow along surface tool that you suggested me! probably it has another that one the solution?

thanks! ;)
Flow Along Surface is the command name in Rhino but people have made GH definitions to replicate its functionality.

I saw your other comment in the referenced discussion but couldn't reply.

To download GHX files you need to right-click and Save Link As...

Try the definition made by to] and see if that works for you.
I'm still trying to resolve my problem, your suggestion was great!!! ...I really want to work with bouding boxes....
my problem now is the same of the guy who created the conversation....this method approximates the edges of the box-surface, so the result is not smooth.
Do you know how to resolve this and thus obtain applied geometries on the surface with edges following the surface edges?

I can't find the flow along surface tool that you suggested me! probably it has another that one the solution?

thanks! ;)
I think that the flow-along-surface type definition that Taz mention is the srf morph component... for that you need to divide your original surface on different subsurfaces (one subsurface for every component).
Also your box is a little more bigger than your "element" to flow.

Here an image, I made the surface, the element and the box directly on rhino, but you can make this "parametrically" on grasshopper:

Also I use the latest version:

And as Taz said "To download GHX files you need to right-click and Save Link As..."
ah.. you can use the brep wireframe component on the SubSrf component if you want the lines like in your image (that probably will do a different path for every square so be carefully with that).
wow! great! a lot of useful informations! :)
I will try all your suggestions this w.e.! thanks so much!

uh.....just a question for Manuel.
I see that you've created a bounding box bigger than the, on the repetition on the surface all the geometries are separated...

how have you done it?

thanks so much guys! really helpful suggestions! :)






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