
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

i passed by a bunch of discussions asking about grasshopper for mac since 2009 and there isn't any updates yet

should we expect it before the end of this year ?

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not really, thank u

I'm pretty sure there won't be a release before the end of this year. I'll be meeting with Steve in September and we'll undoubtedly try and agree on a roadmap for this project, but there will be many things to do, and not all of them can be done by us, so we have only limited control over the process.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

seems like were stuck with bootcamp for the fall

thanks for the great work

My bootcamp is so funny, only icon = Rhino. an entire windows 7 64 bit for one program.


tell me about it! grasshopper and vray for rhino will fix all this mess






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